Getting Ready for Class

To provide you and your fellow artists with the best experience possible, we ask that you abide by our RULES AND POLICIES (found below). Please read them carefully. 


Class meets on Mondays 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, and 1/30 from 1:00 pm-4:00 pm EST.


Classes will be held at Open Jar Studios at 1601 Broadway, 11th floor (studio 12M), New York, NY.


We are adhering to Open Jar Studios’ COVID-19 policies, which can be found here.

Song Selection

We will be working on full songs. No cuts. Songs must be memorized. You must love the song! Bring it in if you resonate with the story and the lyrics. We can change the musical world of a song (almost like making a cover) to fit you and the story you want to tell like a glove. But you must resonate with the lyrics; this is crucial to this art form. When in doubt, look to The Great American Songbook for inspiration. Even if you don’t want to sing from The Great American Songbook, it is a great tool to lead you down rabbit holes toward material.

** Please stay away from post-Millenium musical theatre songs. While we love these writers, we believe you are smarter and have more depth than many of the songs they’ve written.

Feel free to contact Ari, Larry, or Mike for song suggestions. We would be more than happy to provide input.

Make a Payment

You may make payment here. Payments are non-refundable and non-transferable, and all sales are final. Payment is due on January 2nd, one week before the start of class, unless other arrangements have been previously discussed.

Rules and Policies:

Lateness - Class starts on time. If you are going to be late (i.e., an audition, transportation, work, etc.), you must text Ari at (734) 972-8144 to let him know when to expect you. Your work session will be held only through the first half of class. If you are not present at the beginning of class and have not texted or called, we will assume you are not attending that day, and your work session will be released.

If You Have to Miss Class - ** If you’ve already notified Ari about an absence, please disregard this section.

If you need to miss one of the classes, you may find your own sub. If you are unable to find someone to replace you in your missed class, you will still be responsible for payment for that class. If you cannot find a sub, please get in touch with Ari, and he will do his best to get your spot filled. You are responsible for collecting payment directly from your sub. You must notify Ari of your absence no more than 24 hours before the start of class.

Bathroom - We take bathroom breaks as a group. When nature calls and you cannot wait for the scheduled bathroom break, please wait until the end of someone’s work session to let yourself out of the room. You may not enter or exit the room while someone else is working, and if you leave, you must wait outside until the person finishes their work session.

Sheet Music - Sheet music should be in a binder. Please be respectful to our music directors and make it as easy as possible for them to do their best job for you. We welcome the use of iPads. Ari will also bring his iPad to class, so if you are unable to print sheet music ahead of time, you may email a copy of your music to Ari ahead of class time or AirDrop it to him before your work session begins. No loose pages.
Recording - You are welcome to video and/or audio record your work sessions only. In fact, we encourage it. However, you may not record anyone else’s work unless they specifically ask you to record them. The intention of recording in class is for personal use and as a tool for growth. If you’d like to post your work to your social media platforms or your website, you must get permission from Ari and either Mike or Larry (depending on who is playing in the video).
Text Messages - Texting is not permitted during class EXCEPT during bathroom breaks.

Talking - Students are not to comment on each other’s work unless specifically asked to do so.

Writing - Students are encouraged to bring a notebook with them to every class, and to take notes. iPads are also acceptable for notetaking, but phones are not.

Safe Space

By signing up for this class, you are making a commitment to help create and maintain a safe and brave space.

Because this is an ongoing effort that requires attention from every in the room, we use the Ouch/Oops Framework:

  • If you say something that comes out wrong, something that you suddenly realize is hurtful, or sounds different hanging in the air than it did in your head, you say, "Oops."

  • If someone else says something that hits you in a way that feels bad, you say, "Ouch."

  • If the conversation is moving too fast, you are not following a line of reasoning, you are not familiar with a concept or an acronym, or you just want to slow down, you say, "Whoa," and ask for clarification.

We believe mistakes are a part of being human and, when tended to, can provide an opportunity for growth. We can mend harm, it is okay to not know something, and accountability is a shared responsibility.